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17671 Private James Bennett


Devonshire Regiment

1st July 1916


Born in 1896 in Southwark London.

His parents were John(born in 1862) & Elizabeth(born in 1869)Bennett. No record of their wedding could be found.

In the 1901 census the family were recorded as living at

7 Etham Street, Southwark(now possibly renamed

Eliam Street).Both parents worked as street hawkers.

James enlisted in London and his date of disembarkation

into France was on 01/10/1915.

He was killed in action on 01/07/1916.

He was awarded the 1914-195 Star,the 1914-1918 British war and Allied Victory medals.

At the time of his death,his mother was recorded as living at 36 Lansdowne Place,Weston Street,Bermondsey , London.

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