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15342 Lance Corporal William Pomfret


Devonshire Regiment

1st July 1916

dc103b-LCorporal W Pomfret.jpg

Reproduced here
by kind permission of Mr Ken Holmes

Born in Heywood Lancashire in 1883.

His parents were George Pomfret(1861-1940) and Grace Livsey(1859-1926).They married on 12/08/1882.

William had 2 brothers; Arthur(1885-1966) and Fred (28/05/1892-1976).

He also had 3 sisters; Florence(1887-1965),Georgina(born in 1889) and Annie(1890-1933).

In the 1891 census, the family were recorded living at

30 King Street, Heap, Heywood Lancashire. George was employed as a joiner.

In the 1901 census, the family were now recorded as living at 255 Bamford Road Heywood Lancashire. George was still a joiner and William was now employed as a Woollen Warper (this was someone who set up the "warp"(thread) on  the looms).

In 1905 William married Elizabeth Ellen Molyneaux(born in 1880). They had 2 children;

Leonard(04/06/1909-1990) and Evelyn Beryl(20/02/1905-1965).

In the 1911 census, William and his family were recorded as living at 11 Folly, Bamford, Rochdale Lancashire.

William was still employed as a warper.    

He enlisted in Bamford,Rochdale in 01/1915 and his date of disembarkation into France was on 06/10/1915.

He was killed in action on 01/07/1916.

He was awarded the 1914-1915 Star,the 1914-1918 British War and Allied Victory medals. 

Heywood Advertiser - Friday 28 July 1916 - "Mrs Pomfret of 72 Norden Road Bamford has received official information that her husband, Lance Corporal William Pomfret of the Devonshire Regiment was killed in action on July 1st. Lance-Corporal Pomfret who was 33 years of age , enlisted in January 1915 went to the front in October last. He was a warper at the mills of Messrs Samuel Porritt and Sons limited, where he had been employed from boyhood. For about fifteen years he was a member of St Michael’s Church, Bamford. He has left two children- a girl 11 years of age and a boy aged seven. His parents live in King Street, Hooley Bridge Heywood. The deceased has a brother in the army – Sergeant Arthur Pomfret of the Lancashire Fusiliers.”.

Brother Fred also served in ww1 as Private (3966), 4th Border Regiment called up on 30/08/1916 before being transferred to the Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) Private (64675) on 17/10/1916. He served twice in France 21-1-1917 - 24-08-1917 & 22/04/1918 – 15-01-1920.

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