S/11434 Rifleman Albert Moore
11th Battalion The Rifle Brigade
Attached to 4th Field Survey Company
Royal Engineers
28th February 1918

Born in St Luke's, Bolton on 05/09/1895. His parents were Daniel Moore(born in 1858) and Maria Lomax(1863-1907). They were married on 20/07/1889.
Albert had 2 sisters, Edith(18/06/1890-01/05/1977) and Florence(20/08/1892-19/08/1973).
In the 1901 census, the family were recorded as living at 260 Oxford Grove, Bolton. Daniel was employed as a warehouseman at a mill.
The 1911 census records that the family had moved home and were now living at 48 Arnold Street, Bolton. Daniel was now employed as an insurance agent. Albert was also working as a milk boy for the
Co-Operative Dairy Department.
Albert enlisted in Bolton on 14/10/1914 as Private 41850 Royal Army Medical Corps. Details of his medical performed the same day are as follows;
Declared Age - 19 years 40 days, Trade or Occupation - Grocers assistant, Height - 5ft 5 inches, Weight - 110lbs, Chest Measurement - Girth when fully expanded - 34 inches, Range of expansion -
21/2 inches, Physical Development - Good
Albert was transferred to 5th Battalion Rifle Brigade on 01/06/1915. A month later on 02/07/1915, he was charged with 2 offences; 1- when on active service absent from morning reveille until 10.40am and 2 - not comply with an order. He was found guilty and forfeited a days pay on 05/07/1915.
Albert was posted to 12th Battalion Rifle Brigade on 27/10/1915.
On 14/10/1916 he was granted proficiency pay class 2 (this was 3d a day extra on your normal pay and was automatically awarded after 2 years service). The same day his service record records that he was also granted proficiency pay class 1 as well(this was 6d a day extra on your normal pay. This award depended on military qualifications as ascertained by prescribed tests. Applications had to be made to the company officer).
Albert was appointed unpaid Lance Corporal on 03/11/1916
Whilst in action on 26/02/1917, Albert was wounded and the next day admitted to No.34 Casualty Clearing Station with gun shot wounds to his chest, face and right arm. From here he was moved to 11th Stationary Hospital in Rouen, before being returned to England aboard the Hospital Ship " Matilda" on 04/03/1917. Once back in England, Albert was transported up to Scotland and admitted to 3rd Scottish General Hospital in Stobhill , Glasgow on 06/03/1917. He was to spend 80 days here recovering from his injuries ,before being discharged on 25/05/1917.
A couple of weeks later, Albert was posted to 6th(Reserve)Battalion Rifle Brigade on 05/06/1917 and then he reverted back to the rank of rifleman on 16/06/1917.
Later this year, on 26/11/1917, Albert qualified as a 1st class signaller at Brigade Signalling School.
He returned to France on 08/01/1918 and was detached to the Royal Engineers Field Survey Company on 17/01/1918.
On 17/02/1918, he joined the 4th Field Survey Company Royal Engineers in the field . Just 11 days later Albert was killed in action.
The personal possessions of Alberts returned to his sister Edith were as follows; disc, letters, photos, pipe, pocket wallet, 1 religious book, watch and strap, purse pouch, cigarette case, wallet and photos, cards.
Albert was awarded the 1914-1915 Star, the 1914-1918 British War and Allied Victory medals.